In Memory of





Condolence From: dorothy
Condolence: Dear LuAnn and Family So very sorry ,my deepest condolences to you all. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers, and may God hold you and carry you through this difficult time. Dot King & Family
Saturday September 05, 2015
Condolence From: Robert Rozek
Condolence: I'd like to start off saying something about Jennifer that I'd say in person at her service Saturday, except I don't think I'll be able to get through the words. Jenn was not a lavish person, nor was she of unlimited means, but every gift she gave came from her heart and you could always tell she put a lot of thought into each thing she gifted you with. Whether it was cooking a special dish for us for a family gathering with someone specific in mind; Christmas gifts for us or her sister & brothers; or making sure Santa filled under the tree on Christmas morning for Julieanna with the favorite things she wanted. The world could use more people with the heart of Jennifer.
Friday September 04, 2015